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WOW! Florida Department of Law Enforcement Will Investigate Robo Signing And Forgery!

I know, I know, I know. You all thought that nothing would ever come of the whole robo signing crime spree….right?
Look, honestly, I had dinner with Tom and Arianne Ice from Ice Law.   As you know, Tom Ice first took the Jeffrey Stephan depositions and it was his good work that first exposed us all to robo signing.   Anyway, as we sat and lamented how distressed our nation’s legal system has become and particularly how it seemed that the banks were going to be allowed to just moon walk away from the crime scene, we were all fairly dejected at the thought that they would just walk away.
But then today comes this story from the Sarasota Tribune and it really knocked me out of my chair….

MANATEE COUNTY – The investigation into whether bank employees forged signatures on documents became a formal criminal probe Friday after the case was referred to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement….

WOW! Imagine that….after all these years now with even attorneys generals from some states defending fraud and forgery of bank employes and attorneys for the banks inventing words like….”surrogate signing”, and really, you must read this letter from Florida’s own attorney general (no not that one), the other one….Bill McCollum demanding that an executive ‘splain itself. READ THIS LETTER, I DARE YOU
Anywhoo, I got off topic here….we were talking about how finally something was going to be done about all that has been going down and going wrong in this nation.   Read the newspaper article carefully.   Make the comparisons….it really is quite mind blowing….