It’s a disgusting commentary really, but there seems to be no penalty, none whatsoever for an entire industry and complete systems that went purposefully awry. The failure to clearly and honestly call this what it is and to provide any corrective action at all is one of the greatest failings in our government’s history, local, state and federal.
Today, all across this country, thousands of homeowners will lose their homes through a legal system which has been exploited. Weeks or months from now, thousands of homeowners will be tossed into the street……through orders that were entered by a legal system that has been exploited. The perpetrators of these crimes suffer not the first penalty. In many instances they haven’t even been asked what they did wrong.
How have we come to live in a country where those who do wrong are not even questioned? When authorities, when confronted with gross and obvious wrongdoing just look the other way. Worse, when one state threatens an inquiry, as in the case of New Jersey, the court itself is threatened. (Read especially the Wells Fargo response.)
Where is the outrage? Where is the leadership? What happened to the American ethic that demanded an accounting and explanation when wrongdoing occurred?