The stock market is up. Unemployment is “only” 10%. There are “only” 25 percent of homes in foreclosure. I just came back from New York City and things really are booming. The malls are full. Restaurants are packed. So Matt, why are you screaming that the sky is falling?
This is an argument I find myself frequently engaged in. Some of my closest friends don’t get at all where I’m coming from with my “paranoid delusions” and dire predictions of collapse. First, none of the numbers that are being quoted by anyone mean anything anymore. They’re all lies or fraud or hopelessly optimistic estimations or purposeful misstatements. I don’t trust one word coming out of anybody, especially anyone associated with our government at any level and I damn sure don’t trust anyone associated with Wall Street, the banks or institutions.
I’m not the only one that’s bubbling over with anger and rage….the word is out now and everyday Americans all over this country are becoming increasingly angry at what has been done to all of us. If you’re one of the few who are not yet angry, you’re just not getting it. You’re not reading. You’re not thinking. Because you need to be informed first, then angry, then ready to do something about it.
In the coming years we’re going to continue to be treated to more and more details of the Greatest Fraud That’s Ever Been Committed on a Society. One of the latest examples is the current Bank of America/Countrywide litigation. The bottom line is Bank of America/Countrywide sold millions of loans to institutional investors all around the world. The investors didn’t look at each loan, they relied upon the representations made in the prospectuses that were prepared by Bank of America/Countrywide. Now the investors have taken the time to actually look at the loans and they’re accusing Bank of America/Countrywide of lying in the documents…..
Please read the following link from ZeroHedge for details. The banks and institutions engage in widespread patterns of abusive behavior, lies, mistreatment and fraud….but not the first one has ever been prosecuted….not one has been put in handcuffs…..