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Foreclosure Defense FloridaGeneral Information

We Fought The Law…AND WE WON! Foreclosure Bills DEAD! (for now)

FCAN-issuesWhen the 2012 Florida Legislative Session ended last night around midnight, the two remaining foreclosure bills were not read and were not passed by the Senate.

This was the third year that attorneys, consumer groups and activists worked together to stand   up against the most powerful groups in the state, and it was certainly the most exciting.   The effort was was especially inspired by the very active support and participation by several of this state’s faith-based groups, including PICO Florida , FOCUS, The Florida Consumer Action Network, Sarasota’s Mortgage Justice Group and members of Florida’s Tea Party!

The greatest thanks goes out to all of you that took the time to make calls, and especially those who drove to Tallahassee to put a personal face to all of this effort!

WE CANNOT REST! We now enter the next, and what will be a most critical phase…moving forward with all the great momentum this remarkable coalition has built.

We will identify additional issues and groups to support and become even more engaged in lawmaking and policymaking going forward!

Make sure you send special Thank You emails to the good senators who did stand with us, and all the Representatives…and be prepared to get involved in all their campaigns.

My heroes in this effort were Senator Mike Fasano, Senator Steve Oelrich and Representative Darren Soto….and all of you!