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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Voting in Amerika, An International Disgrace….They're attacking amerika from within.

I went to my polling location this morning before dawn and already people were lined up….hours long lines already and the sun isn’t risen.
We are a disgusting disgrace in this nation.   A nation full of lazy, cowardly hypocrites being governed by sociopathic criminals.
We bomb entire nations, killing millions of men, women, babies and children because we don’t approve of the way their leaders are selected, meanwhile in this country, the ReThuglican candidates have acted like out of control bullying mafioso, crushing dissent, attacking members that get out of line and terrorizing entire segments of the voting population.
And still we have the audacity to claim some moral superiority when it comes to elections. How dare we.
The RepubliCONs have engineered very effective vote suppression in Florida especially, and probably all across the nation.   And if you read the litigation pending across the state of FLorida, especially the Jim Greer lawsuit, you’ll understand that the RPOF acts much like a criminal enterprise, defrauding members and contributors and misrepresenting what they are doing with contributions.
The two men at the top of the GOP ticket in Florida, Mitt Romney and Rick Scott are both masters of Medicare fraud…they’ve stolen hundreds of millions from sick old people….for all those people that will vote for Romney and for whomever voted for Scott…..What’s wrong with your brain that you can ignore that and still think they’re qualified to serve?
Meanwhile, I’m qualified and am on the very same ballot as all these monsters this year.   In my Florida House Race, District 68, the Republican Frank Farkas and the Republican Party of Florida have engaged in a scorched earth campaign to attack our court system and in fact the United States Constitution with an attack campaign against Dudley that asserts the proposition that if an attorney has ever served as a public defender or fulfilled the Constitutional Right to counsel for a person charged with a crime, that candidate is unfit for office. Farkas and the RPOF don’t seem to care that this is what the Constitution demands and that men and women in uniform fought and died for these kind of rights…and rights to vote that are being taken away from people.
Equally disgraceful is the RPOF’s attack on our Florida Supreme Court…again they don’t care that its the Constitution they’re attacking.
I’ve never voted for a Democrat and I probably still won’t but I promise you I won’t vote for a single member of the corrupt, thuggish criminal enterprise that is the Republican Party.