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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Two Great New Opinions!

First, there are still far too many people out there that do not bother to file any response to their foreclosure case or hire an attorney….as we’re learning if you put up a fight, there’s a pretty good chance that good things can happen…please get the word out….everyone should fight!

Attached here is a brand new, hot off the presses opinion from the Fourth District Court of Appeals setting aside a default after the borrowers went into modification then the lender still tried to proceed with foreclosure. Great Stuff.

Next, here is an appeal from a federal bankruptcy court opinion…it orders Wells Fargo to pay back to the trustee the funds from a debtor whose mortgage was transferred to Wells immediately prior to the debtor going into bankruptcy.   This gets right to the heart of the whole fake assignment and the entire business model of MERS

I’m telling you to look carefully at all assignments…pay particular to who signed the assignments and whether the corporation upon whose behalf it was allegedly signed was in Bankruptcy……these lenders can play their games in state courts….these attorneys can (apparently) get away with blatant fraud and lies to state court, but apparently the federal bench still cares about these things….

Keeping up the great fight!