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Foreclosure Defense Florida

THIS MAKES ME SO ANGRY I CAN’T STAND IT- Transcript that details a “Rocket Docket” (Foreclosure Gas Chamber)

For those of you, especially those in the press, that have been asking what a Rocket Docket is and what the problems with the Rocket Docket are, I want you to read the attached transcript which was just released from a “hearing” held in Palm Beach County.

The transcript lays out the problem- a huge foreclosure backlog that has clogged the docket.   Note the near panic in the judge’s voice and the comments about courtroom overcrowding and the fire marshal.   The judge acknowledges that most who are there, and especially the defense attorneys, seek to have the Summary Judgment denied.   The first case out of the box illustrates about a clear an example of when Summary Judgment should be granted, but then the court just goes ahead and grants Summary Judgment anyway.

This is all just a tremendous miscarriage of justice all in the name of expediency on behalf of failed lenders and their foreclosure mills….this should never, ever happen, but apparently it happens every day, all over the state and especially in Palm Beach County.




How about our federal and appellate courts and Attorney General examining not just the technical issues in each one of the cases, but examining the fundamental violations of substantive Constitutional rights because Rocket Dockets do not provide important Due Process protections?

See related press Story Here

Many thanks to for posting this first.