THE COURT: A rehearing of a what?
5 MR. WEIDNER: Final order of dismissal that
6 was entered in 2011; that’s the important point to
7 understand, is this case was dismissed in October
8 2011. So, jurisdictionally, that’s where we
9 appear. There’s a very narrow needle to thread if
10 we want to undo a dismissal that was properly
11 entered by the Court.
12 And the reason why I handed you that Block vs.
13 Tosun; it’s 77 So.3d 871. That’s a 2001 (sic)
14 case, that I’m gonna read that second sentence in
15 the first paragraph there, because —
16 THE COURT: You know, again, I’m trying to
17 listen to you and find the order, which I’m
18 supposed to be addressing here this morning, and I
19 have yet to find that order.
20 MS. CONTE: Your Honor, it was entered
21 October 11, 2011.
22 MR. WEIDNER: I’ve got a copy if I can —
23 THE COURT: October 11, order granting motion
24 to — to dismiss action, okay, without prejudice,
25 October 11, 2011.
HEARING 12-05-2012.fullprint