I’m going to come clean and admit to all of you that I have become increasingly fearful and anxious about the future of this country for a very long time. My primary concerns center on the fact that unemployment continues to grow steadily while at the same time government debt and entitlements have likewise continued to grow exponentially. The unemployment problem represents a fundamental threat to our national and economic security because none of the other insurmountable problems we face can be addressed without sufficient employment. Such is the case with the foreclosure crisis. If people are not working, no programs will ever be enough to solve the problems. And yet I held out naive hope that our courts might fashion some solutions which might foster an environment of compromise and resolution.
This hope has effectively died with the release of today’s letter from the Florida Supreme Court. While the text of it alone is disturbing enough, the subtext is even more disturbing. Please note that while a ranking member of the United States Congress took the initiative to write this letter to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, it was not the Chief Justice or any justice for that matter that responded, but the Clerk of the Supreme Court. Perhaps there is some formality involved here, but for the letter to come not from a peer, but from the administrative level is very telling. To me the message is loud and clear….
We really are in a very bad way here and I frankly don’t hold out much hope now of any kind of reasonable solution to the crisis that has now reached up into the highest levels of our state government. Our only hope now is persistent press attention and federal intervention…..our Florida courts are apparently not willing to address the crisis in our courts…..