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The Riots in London And What They Mean For Americans….

London-RiotsI have been watching with great dismay what is happening around the world and particularly the riots that are occurring in Europe. The riots in London are especially troubling.   These riots should serve as a powerful wake up call to everyone in America and we should all start paying attention to what is occurring around the world because this is coming to our back yard.

Tough times are ahead and real Americans are fed up with living in a country where the Banks, the Wall Streeters and the rich and powerful play by an entirely different set of rules than you and I play by. Wake up America and take note….this is no longer a drill. From Martin Fletcher at CNBC:

LONDON – You really don’t have to look very far for the reasons for London’s rioting, looting and generally thuggish frenzy of violence, located mostly in poorer, peripheral communities. The lives of most rioters are so far removed from those of the country’s leaders it’s like they occupy different planets.
Think about this: To cope with the violence, London’s Mayor Boris Johnson interrupted his family vacation in North America.
Prime Minister David Cameron returned from his vacation in a (shared) ten thousand pounds a week villa in Italy where he was reportedly taking tennis lessons with a coach flown out from Britain.
Home Secretary Theresa May cut short her vacation in Switzerland.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg returned from his vacation in France.
I was wondering as I watched, from a safe distance, a mob of young men, running, looting and throwing bottles, when the last time was that one of them had a vacation. Probably never. I thought, this is their vacation. It’s a break from their routine of hanging around street-corners. It’s fun, for them. They were laughing as police chased them.
Don’t get me wrong; they should arrest every last person who broke the law and terrified innocent residents. But is it really surprising that under-educated, jobless youths go on the rampage, faced with the inconceivable gap between the rich and the poor and their sense of utter hopelessness and disenfranchisement?
They feel they deserve a slice of the cake too. Their sense of entitlement is this: We are entitled to steal what we can.

Violence and lawlessness spread across London as the capital’s most senior police officer urged the public to clear the streets in affected communities. Property and vehicles have been set on fire in several areas, some burning out of control.