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Foreclosure Defense FloridaGeneral Information

The Real Result of the Banks And Their Fraudclosure Settlement….FASTER FORECLOSURES, MORE FORCED EVICTIONS IN FLORIDA!

Remember all the press conferences and all the news stories about the…


And then remember all the follow up reporting about how Florida consumers were going to be helped including,


Well, Florida foreclosure courts are indeed becoming more efficient, they’ve hired staff and the Rocket Dockets are back in business all over again, dedicating entire days specially set aside for each particular foreclosure mill so that they can run through hundreds, then thousands of foreclosure final judgments!

And you think RoboSigning was bad ?   Well, at least with RoboSigning there was some written record. With RoboPerjury and Robot bank witnesses, there is no written record, no court transcript, just a carefully trained robot standing in a courtroom and swearing under oath that,

Bank of Whatever Owns and Holds and Has The Right To Foreclose!

Once that Final Judgment of Foreclosure is entered, The Sheriff is going to come kicking down the doors, tens of thousands of doors, all across the State of Florida.   I wonder whether the general public is going to wake up then?   I wonder whether there will finally be any kind of meaningful backlash?

And here’s another thought.   In all the current debate over foreclosures, and all the headlines about how Florida’s foreclosure laws are broken because it allegedly takes so long to foreclose, no one is paying one bit of attention to the fact that when a homeowner enters into a modification, there is almost never any reflection of this modification in the court file…..the case is not dismissed, it just languishes there….with the Plaintiff legally not entitled to proceed with foreclosure because the homeowner is in a formal modification.   But no one has mentioned this in the current foreclosure legislative debate.

Here’s where the real mess will come…..

The mills are going to start foreclosing on people who are in modifications…and sheriffs are going to show up to kick people out who are making payments to Bank of Whatever……

And there will be no remedy.   How bout this….if House Bill 87 passed and a foreclosure judgment were entered by accident against a homeowner who was in a modification…and even the bank knew it was wrong…there was nothing that can be done.