The entire governement’s response to foreclosure fraud is a tragic disappointment and worse a disturbing error.
The fraudclosure settlements were macabre theater, the banks spitting in the face of Americans while the government sits and watches, sharing in the financial rewards.
The latest tragedy built into the OCC settlement? The tax hit….
That’s right, consumers will have to pay taxes on whatever settlement they received….
nice huh?
Oh, and one other piece of theater….the check states help is available in 200 different languages….really? 200? 200 different languages? Wow.
From New York Times:
Relief checks issued as part of a multibillion-dollar settlement over foreclosure abuses have bounced, an unfortunate twist for consumers who have already been caught up in problems over reviews of troubled mortgage loans.
Months after brokering a $9.3 billion settlement with the nation’s biggest banks, the Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced last week that 1.4 million checks would be sent out to struggling homeowners, many of whom have been languishing for two years without assistance.