The story ain’t about Barclays and LIBOR anymore…it’s about the apparent fact that all the banks are in on the game…and that world governments knew about it….FOR DECADES AND NO ONE HAS GONE TO JAIL YET.
What emerges from the BANKING SCANDALS DU JOUR, the near daily revelations that are merely confirmations that “banking” these days is really just gambling with other people’s money…and lying about how you’re doing it, is a disturbing and detailed commentary (again) on the interplay between government and the private banks and businesses that own governments all across the world.
The story anymore is not just little ‘ole Barclays, the real question is just how many more banks and governments are going to be sucked down into this vortex. Clearly the answer is
all the banks are involved and all the governments are involved
Well, it’s just high time that we all sit up and understand….all of our money is owned by the criminal banking/gambling cartels….
Here’s what Abigail Fields called it:
The ” LIBOR scandal“, which really should be called the ” Lying Bankers scandal”, is more than simply the newest example of bankers systematically stealing from everyone else. In its scale, simplicity, and government complicity the Lying Bankers scandal is perhaps the purest distillation of all that’s gone wrong with our financial system and the government that’s supposed to police it.
The Lying Bankers scandal also offers the clearest opportunity to send bankers to jail. Opportunities, of course, are not outcomes. No one should be sanguine that even this exquisitely clear showcase of banker illegality will necessarily produce meaningful law enforcement. Signs out of Britain are sort of hopeful.
The Lying Bankers scandal in a nutshell: All the biggest banks (allegedly) conspired to manipulate the interest rate underlying trillions of dollars of complex investments and public perceptions of bank health, to increase personal and corporate profits. And governments looked the other way.