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Foreclosure Defense Florida

The Corrupt and Crazy Casino That is Our Nation's Financial And Political (and legal) System….

I thought about robo signing for the first time in a long while a few days ago.   You remember robo signing”¦don’t you?   A few homeowners and foreclosure defense attorneys called it other names like fraud and forgery, but most of the world”¦and a whole lot of what’s left of our nation’s justice system treated it like the crazy old uncle that everyone knows all about”¦.then everyone sets to work ignoring him and pretending like he doesn’t exist”¦.carving up the Christmas Turkey while uncle Ned sits there in his soiled underclothes.   Holding a bloody pitchfork, cackling wildly and staring at the youngsters.   Umm”¦turkey sure is swell!
I remember what it felt like to discover all the lying and the fraud and the crimes that were occurring in monstrous scale in courtrooms all across this nation”¦and thinking that we’d all stumbled upon some great secret”¦a secret that, once revealed, would bring the heathens to their knees.   Surely, when the full breadth and magnitude of their infamy was revealed, the revelations would usher in some kind of”¦.something.   Lawfulness? Integrity? Justice?
I surely hate to admit this because it reveals just how naïve and foolish I was, but I honestly thought that some consequence would come of it all.   But here we are, years removed, and not a single person, not one single person has suffered any consequence.   Oh sure, many whistleblowers and activists and attorneys have been trashed and persecuted”¦and a mysterious death just to add to the mix, but I mean to tell you that not one single person on the business end of the crime spree has suffered any consequence.
But really, the whole robo signing thing really was just the tip of the iceberg”¦now wasn’t/isn’t it?   Of course it is”¦.but they ignored us then, and they continue to ignore us ever still.   So many tried to make the point that what we see and what we warned was just the beginning”¦that it evidenced a much larger and far more destructive evil working all around us”¦constantly, persistently tearing and eating away”¦like termites or ants”¦.on steroids”¦.and energized by crack.   But still the talking heads and the propagandists and the attorney apologists sprinkle their magic angel dust and everyone looks the other way.   Even as more and more scandals break every other week. JPMorgan’s Whale, MFGlobal, LIBOR”¦.and then, just yesterday”¦ Peregrine Financial CEO’s suicide note”¦

I stole millions from people”¦.”¦I used scanners and color copiers and crayons to fake bank statements”¦and my favorite part”¦


HA! Take that Corzine”¦.Madoff”¦who?   You’re all short timers, playing at the small table”¦playing the penny slots”¦meanwhile over at the High Roller’s table”¦.that’s where the real action is”¦.Pension”¦HA! What pension? 401(K)”¦huh?   The Florida Retirement System”¦really”¦you fell for that parlor trick? (22% return”¦really?)
We’re all so accustomed now to seeing forgery and fraud and financial crimes and the banks bullying their way in courtrooms that we’ve all become a bit numb to it all.   I’ve stopped trying to convert or convince judges of the magnitude of all this”¦stopped asking them to consider how each foreclosure case is another crack in the pulverized foundation of our nation.   Stopped anyone to think about the long term consequences to this nation as a whole of an entire system of brutal attacks based on lies and crimes and fraud”¦.and yes, throwing families out into the streets”¦especially given how this has played out since 2008″¦is what I would consider brutal attacks on families.
What sense does it make to continue tossing families out into the street like human garbage when there are already so many vacant homes littered across this nation’s landscape?   And back to the war profiteers”¦in this war against the American People”¦this war against sanity “¦this war against rational sense, the banks and their affiliated profit centers.   All this inspecting and breaking in and winterizing and property preserving”¦.pulverizing people and raging within the machine.
Entire industries, sad, pathetic and brutal industries built up around this evil that is the complexity of this world’s finances”¦.the snake turned and eating itself”¦entirely impossible to discern where the federal government ends and where her masters the banks begin.   But which end really is the master?   Do Fannie and Freddie call the tune or do they merely dance for Dimon and Blankfeld?   Wait no, better”¦.are Fannie and Freddie the coal that fuels the inferno whilst Dimon  and Blankfeld (insert demonic images, pitchfork, serpent’s tongue) shovel the infinite supply of coal into the furnace?   It really doesn’t matter”¦it’s all on an infinite loop now”¦we all work to feed the furnace of this madness.   Fannie and Freddie and HUD taking billions then burning billions then paying still hundreds of millions more to break into and inspect the homes inhabited by the very people they are taking the billons from.    Huh?   Really.   Yes”¦.really.
And still it goes on.
It goes on today at the intersection that of our nation’s legal, financial and political systems….three freeways all terminating at exactly the same point….it all comes crashing down on the doorstep of every American’s home.   The plastic cards in our wallet, the paper statements sent in the mail…the familiar green currency..the propaganda emblazoned and screaming at us….


Huh?   Who slipped that one in there?   Who in the hell granted the license on that copyright?   That’s some damn fine wordsmithing…and that eye….that damn eye….always staring at me, never blinking….watching…judging….condemning?

Novus Ordo Seclorum

Huh? What’s that you say? Hablo Espanolo? God said What?