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Foreclosure Defense Florida


rondolino-orderFraudclosuregate continues to spin out of control.   Absurd statements from Bank of America and the other institutions and law firms that fostered the festering crisis to the contrary, things are only going to get worse.   Title claims and will soil our public records for decades and litigation will choke our already bogged down court systems.

When the autopsies are completed, there will be dramatic distinctions and differences in the problems that will be faced by each of this state’s court circuits.   It is no secret at all that the judges in the Sixth and Twelfth Judicial Circuits are among the toughest in this state.   If you practice here, you are prepared to be put through your paces….no matter what side of the argument you are on.   That’s the real business of judging.

For a variety of technical reasons, there are not a great deal of reported court opinions that address many of the substantive issues we face in foreclosure.   The primary problem is Orders on Motions to Dismiss are not typically appeal-able orders so there are not many reported decisions that can be cited.   The opinion below however, provides much needed answers to many of the questions concerning the practices and procedures that govern foreclosures in this state.

If you’re a homeowner wondering whether there are still judges out there that apply the law fairly and correctly….READ THIS OPINION….IT WILL RESTORE YOUR FAITH.

If you’re an attorney who feels beaten down and abused by the system…..READ THIS OPINION…IT WILL INSPIRE YOU TO KEEP UP THE FIGHT!

If you’re a reporter who is struggling to understand the depth of the Fraudclosuregate crisis….READ THIS OPINION…IT WILL DETAIL BOTH THE PROBLEMS AND THE SOLUTION.

Finally, consumers, judges, attorneys and reporters owe a debt of gratitude to the homeowner’s attorney in this case, Mark Stopa. (Click for link to his website.)   Mark is among the most tenacious, committed and dedicated attorneys out there sticking his neck out and fighting the fight…FIGHTING THE FIGHT FOR ALL OF US.

Please do the world a favor… this opinion, savor this opinion, but most importantly make sure everyone in the world reads this opinion.
