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Foreclosure Defense Florida

The Banks, Bullying “Our” Court Sytem…And WINNING!

fl-foreclosure-mediationEveryone knows the drill, right?   The banks don’t like mediation in Florida because it “would have” forced them to come to the table and negotiate in good faith with the taxpayers that bailed them out three years ago.

So what do the banks to?   The assassinate the entire program….statewide.   Now think about that power.   Just a few short months ago, state policy makers, legislators and court officials….THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA no less spend millions of dollars to implement a statewide system that gives homeowners the right to participate in mediation. Pay attention to that key phrase, THAT GIVES HOMEOWNERS A RIGHT.

But what our “leaders” give, the banksters taketh away.   The banks didn’t like the program, so they kill it.   But they’re not just killing a program, they’re exercising their power to assassinate your liberties, to take out a hit squad on your rights.

It’s ugly, but that’s the world we live in today.   Read the article, but importantly, read the comments from your fellow comrades:

A Florida Supreme Court mediation program should end because it hasn’t kept people in their homes or reduced a logjam of foreclosure cases, a judicial committee determined.

Successful mediations occurred in less than 4 percent of statewide cases. A report presented to the high court said three main factors led to the program’s demise: borrowers not trusting the program; lenders not willing to settle cases in mediation; and officials not publicizing the program.

Florida has a backlog of about 350,000 foreclosures and many more to come, experts say.