The Republican and the Democrat candidates parade all across this country, babbling nonsense against one another and at us. From the local races to the state races and straight up to the Presidential race, but I have yet to hear a single candidate suggest that they would hold any of the robber baron bank bullies and Wall Street criminals responsible for any of their many crimes committed against the people of the United States of America. There is today a broad and dramatic distinction between the government and its needs, those needs fused together with the goals of the corporate interests, and the needs of The People.
Our government no longer serves the interests of The People primarily…”our” government serves the corporate masters. And if The People must be crushed or kicked or abused, trampled over along the way to do the bidding of the corporate masters….then so be it.
No state puts this principle on display more dramatically than Florida, the state where over the top corruption abounds. A governor with long-polished fascist and corruption credentials, stealing health care from children and the elderly. Meanwhile, Florida’s Attorney General shows consistently that the banks and the fraudclosure industry will be rewarded and coddled…there will be no relief for the citizens that our elected law enforcer took an oath to protect. The dramatic proof of this proposition is on full display with the 49 State Attorney General Sellout, the scam whose terms get worse each day. But of course there will be no accounting.
Worse still, there is no longer any press or any watchdog that will alert the sleeping, slumbering masses, The People who are being robbed, cheated, conspired against and kicked.
And so the machine grinds on, kicking Amerikans ever more violently in the gut.
I have far more cases than i care to report on where the banks have broken into the homes of amerikans, violently ripping from them any sense of security or hope that any level of government will protect them.
I was at first flabbergasted to learn that across this country, law enforcement, when called to the scene of bank burglaries will do nothing. But then I personally experienced it over and over. When I personally approached law enforcement officials, I too felt the threat of their authority…when I dared push the envelope and demand that they do….something….anything….investigate, I felt very threatened.
In depositions, I have watched as the face of law enforcement grimmaces and turns against the victim of the bank burglary…the victim becomes the target of the law enforcer’s awesome power.
I have struggled for years now as the teams of government sponsored, bank-owned attorney bullies beat me and my clients up because we dare to challenge what the banks are doing. I have criss crossed this state, taking depositions and pleading with courts to see this ultimate violation of fundamental American rights for what it is….and I have suffered the consequences of a court system fighting back against me and my clients…supporting, defending, protecting the banking masters our courts now serve.
I cannot put into writing just how dark and conspiratorial all the issues are..
The jack booted thugs, they run wild. And after they commit such heinous acts, they escape this nation….fleeing to South America in at least one case….
And what about alvin and pat tjosaas?
See their story here