The banksters have engaged in rampant lawlessness for too long. Too many courts all across this country have just looked the other way and in fact have become complicit in crimes and lawlessness of the banksters.
I am terribly troubled by one area in our country where courts have just stopped holding hearings on the motions of the citizens the courts (theoretically at least) have a Constitutional duty to uphold. One judge recently exclaimed, “We’ve never granted those kind of motions here.” It’s kinda like law enforcement just deciding, “We don’t bother with that whole Miranda warning thing.” No it’s not kinda like that, it’s just like that. What we’re talking about here is the total collapse of our fantasy of the Rule of Law. Our courts have largely conceded victory to the banksters, deciding that it’s preferable to just ignore hundreds of years of law in favor of the banks, because, after all, we really should trust the banksters, shouldn’t we?
Well, there are a few bright spots now and then. A few times when that little flickering light of justice reveals itself. (The rest of the time, the light is blown out by the hurricane force winds of corruption and corporatism.) That little ‘ole light shone a little brighter just last week, thanks to our friends over at Ice Legal…..have a little read of the story here. Desperate, dangerous times. What were you doing when the smoke started billowing on the ship?