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Foreclosure Defense Florida

The AG Mortgage Sellout Will Lead to Social Upheaval.

SF-ForeclosuresWhy do I take loud and consistent shots at very powerful parties like the attorneys general from all across this country and against the very powerful mortgage banking real estate industrial complex?

Because at the end of the day, all that they are doing is going to lead to very violent, very disturbing legal, social and economic consequences.   It is indeed dangerous for me to continue speaking out so loudly, they will come after me and they have come after me, but I have a duty and I allegedly have a right to speak my opinion loudly and persistently, but that right is a delusion.   In this fascist nation, dissenters are crushed, marginalized, punished.

I also feel a duty as an attorney, as a member of the Bar.   Lawyers took an oath to protect and defend.   To put themselves in the shoes of those who are less able to fight and fight for them.   This duty should be respected and the lawyerly, thoughtful discussion of important societal, legal and economic issues of our day should be protected, but lawyers are persecuted for engaging in these discussions on your behalf. God help this nation for that fact.

Notice I didn’t say, “may lead to”. I said “will lead to”.

This is as clear as day.   You cannot continue to heap injustices upon a people, you cannot destroy the foundations and basic elements of a people’s law and not have those people finally rise up in protest.

Next to food and family, no other human need is as primal and deeply rooted in our DNA as the need for shelter and security.   This mess called fraudclosure is attacking our DNA. Every time an American hears another example of government-sponsored fraudclosure apologism, it hits a nerve, just like when the dentist hits a nerve.

But the big people, the adults at the big people’s table don’t seem to get it. They think they can negotiate the terms of surrender with their criminal counterparts at the banks, then present a present to us all and we will all sit back, lap it up and thank them for their effort.


There are a few that get this and are continuing to pound the drum… Naked Capitalism:

I got a call from an attorney in Texas who has done both class action and title clearing for oil and gas rights deals (hence he’s seen MERS up close and ugly) having a Howard Beale moment over the mortgage settlement.

He said he was convinced if the settlement went through, it would be seen as the day when property rights were shown to have no meaning and it would eventually lead to social upheaval. I’m not sure many people in the heartlands will react as viscerally as he did, but when you undermine the foundations of a society or to use the Biblical metaphor, sow the wind, you can expect to harvest a whirlwind.