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The 49 State Attorney General Sellout- Hiding Enforcement Fraud By Abigail Field

enforecement-fraudOn Thursday, April 5th  U.S. District Court Judge Rosemary M. Collyer announced she had decided to sign off on  the  “$25 billion” Mortgage Settlement.  By ” announced”, I mean she signed the consent orders all our major law enforcers and the biggest bankers had agreed to, and entered them into the record. Judge Collyer didn’t actually say  anything about the deal. She didn’t let anyone else say anything, either: she didn’t hold a public hearing on the deal.
In acting silently, Judge Collyer not only okayed the deal’s lousy terms, which institutionalize  servicer theft and foreclosure fraud, she reinforced the incredibly poor public process that’s kept the enforcement fraud at the heart of the deal hidden. Deliberately hidden.
Magical Misdirection
To understand just how deceptive ” our” government and ” our” law enforcers have been with us, imagine them as a Shakespearean magician, confessing his thoughts to us as he tries to trick an audience seated just off stage. Hear the magician, as he secretly pleads for his misdirection to work:
“˜Please, keep focused on this hand, the one with the wand waiving above the shiny new servicing ” standards.” Pay no attention to what I’m doing with my other hand.  Please don’t notice me transforming the ” standards” into empty promises through the “˜magic’ of metrics.
I must succeed at controlling and guiding your attention, so you fall for my trick! Otherwise, my trick is obvious-my “˜magic’ is all there in black and white, in Exhibits E and E-1. So don’t look there”¦stay with me, stay focused on the new servicing ” standards” and that big sounding ” $25 billion””¦
Think I’m overstating the deliberate deception in selling the Mortgage Settlement as something other than the enforcement fraud it is? Let’s review the history.
Abigail Field