I appreciate everyone’s support and good wishes after I announced I lost a summary judgment hearing earlier this week. A summary judgment hearing was held on a rocket docket and Summary Judgment was granted after my objections during the hearing and despite the fact that I had two detailed Objections to the summary judgment filed. I believe the good trial judge erred in granting Summary Judgment, so I’ve filed a Motion for Re-hearing of the Summary Judgment.
Several important lessons learned from this experience. First, always make your objections in writing in advance of the hearing. Next, always have a court reporter present at all hearings. Finally, even when you follow these important rules, and do not prevail, DON’T GIVE UP. Rehearing is the first line of attack, then if this doesn’t work, (if you’ve followed the advice above), you should have the tools necessary for a solid appeal.
And now, just released, the Taylor appeal decision….not good news,