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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Student Loan Debt – Making Slaves of America’s Youth…

studen-loan-debitsThere will be no recovery in this nation.   The banks have made slaves and serfs out of us all.   They have sapped the life out of a formerly vibrant nation filled with proud, industrious and entrepreneurial people.

It’s bad that it has happened to any of us, much less to all of us and especially to the young people who never even got to start.

The government sold them off just like slaves to private debt collectors…..and now, they are seizing paychecks…next comes debt prisons.

The elections are rigged, four more years of the Nobel peace prize winning emperor in chief who, along with his ReTHUGliCON handlers, will dig us all even deeper.

it’s all so clear, but especially in Student Loan collections…..

sallie mae loan collections