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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Rally In Tally- Team Ice Takes The Lead In Supporting This Fight

Forget all the negative stories about attorneys–remember most are principled, passionate fighters who are dedicated to serving their clients and their communities.   The leaders in the Foreclosure Fight in South Florida are the Fearless Fighters at Ice Legal.

They’re turning out some of the best legal and appellate work in the State, but they’re going and above and beyond in their support of the homeowners in this state and judges in this state.   They’ve generously agreed to sponsor a bus that will take homeowners from West Palm Beach all the way up to Tallahassee.   The response from voters and homeowners to this initiative has been overwhelming. Team Ice wanted to make sure leaders in Tallahassee and the Palm Beach legislative delegation had the opportunity to hear from their neighbors directly…that’s awesome, principled advocacy….for more information on the rally click on the video below…for more information on how to get on the bus click here.

We do not presently have a bus going from Sarasota/Tampa, but if you activists can get us 50 people to commit, we may be able to find a sponsor and have a bus leave from Sarasota…. Because Senator Bennett, sponsor of the Senate Non-Judicial bill is from your area, it would be HUGE to have a group from Southwest Florida up there.   RSVP if you can help us fill a bus from Sarasota!