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banksters-jailedNEW YORK- More than a year and a half after America’s major banks failed, all but sinking the country’s economy, police have begun rounding up a number of top bankers while other former executives and owners face a two-billion-dollar lawsuit.

Since America’s three largest banks collapsed in late 2008, their former executives and owners have largely been living untroubled lives.

But the publication last month of a Congressional inquiry into the island nation’s profound financial and economic crisis signaled a turning of the tide, laying much of the blame for the downfall on the former bank heads who had taken ” inappropriate loans from the banks” they worked for.

The only problem with this story is this did not happen in the United States of America…but I did copy the text of the story directly about how Iceland was dealing with its banksters….(IcelandBanksters)

And This:

Iceland’s special prosecutor into the banking crisis has confirmed that raids have taken place today and that arrests have been made. The Central Bank of Iceland is among the institutions under investigation.

Special Prosecutor, Olafur Thor Hauksson told that house searches are taking place in at least three places today as part of investigations into the central bank, MP Bank and Straumur Bank.

But not here in the states, when John Corzine still wanders around and will undoubtedly have a glorious Christmas while hundreds of thousands of his customers suffer with accounts that are frozen….how’s that for justice?
And what about the millions of American families who are facing foreclosure or other losses while Fannie and Freddie execs receive million dollar bonuses.
Adding fury to the insult, I was working a file last week when one of the banks attorneys expressed how frustrating the Fannie Freddie files were because they would not waive deficiencies….most of the other lenders have started to become fairly aggressive with deal making and we’re making things happen….but not Fannie/Freddie.   They’re taking taxpayer dollars to pay fat bonuses, but they refuse to engage in good faith deal making that might actually help resolve some of the cases that are clogging courtrooms.
Iceland and America, two nations in contrast.