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Posse Comitatus, Kim Kardashian, Crushing Dissent and the Militarization of Local Law Enforcement

kardashian-homelessAfter the Civil War, forward thinking legislators, primarily in southern states were concerned about federal powers seeping in and supplanting the authority and power of local law enforcement and governments.

In response, Congress Passed the Posse Comitatus Act   which generally limited the use of federal forces on Americans.   In short, the guns of the United States military could not be trained against citizens.

That of course has all been changed in recent years, both through legislation (most directly through the passage of the Insurrection Act) and through issuance of dozens of Presidential/Executive Orders.

If you still buy into any delusions of limits on government power in this alleged Constitutional Republic, just have a read through all the Executive Orders and review all the other Orders and Legislation that have been enacted over the last several years.

Make no mistake, every level of American government stands ready to convert to a crushing totalitarian regime with the flip of a switch….

It’s a bizarre, Alice and Wonderland and quite terrifying world we live in today.   On one side of the curtain, millions of Americans remain obsessed and preoccupied with pop culture and absurd distractions…on the other side, the world economy is collapsing at an alarming rate.

Millions of Americans can accurately quote the win/loss ratios of professional sports teams, but what fraction of a percentage point of everyday Americans understand the reserve/capital ratios of the banks they think are safeguarding their paychecks and personal wealth? (Hint, the money ain’t there folks.)

Which brings us to the story of today….LA’s mayor takes a photo op with Kim Kardashian while at the same time ordering peaceful protesters removed from a public park. (here)

The real fear for all Americans and for elected “leaders” is what’s going to happen when things really do spin out of control. One of the major differences between the United States and all other countries where protesters have taken to the streets is the proliferation of weapons in the hands of citizens in the United States…the FBI estimates there are 60 million gun owners and 200 million privately owned guns in the US…..

Think about that for a moment……


LA Mayor Parties With The Kardashians