By now, the cat’s out of the bag, pandora’s box is blown open, the horse has left the barn….The Law Offices of David J. Stern processed tens of thousands of foreclosure cases all across the state. Earlier it was reported that many of Stern’s clients had pulled their files from his office, next it was reported that there are countless numbers of sales that are continuing to occur across the state even though the files were not ready for foreclosure. The whole situation has caused even more chaos in courtrooms all across this state and EVERY SINGLE TAXPAYER IS PAYING FOR THIS CHAOS.
How do you calculate the amount of court, staff and judge time that is being spent in trying to deal with all this chaos? It’s certainly difficult to put a number on this figure, but it makes me very angry to know that Florida’s Foreclosure Baron still has his multi million dollar yacht and insane and obscene homes, while every day taxpayers are paying to try and clean up his mess.
And that’s not all. As you read from the article below, there are major other problems that must be investigated….and that too costs us all money. When will it stop?
Recently out of law school and looking for work, scores of young Florida attorneys found steady paychecks in burgeoning firms whose business is based on repossessing the American dream.
Today, more than 260 attorneys work at four of Florida’s largest foreclosure firms, and 48 percent of them have been practicing law for less than three years, according to Florida Bar records obtained by The Palm Beach Post.
Of 156 attorneys who started the year churning out foreclosures at the massive Plantation-based operation of David J. Stern but have since left or been laid off, half had been practicing law for less than four years.
With this fall’s allegations of forged foreclosure documents, fraudulent notarizations and questionable affidavits submitted in tens of thousands of foreclosure cases, those nascent lawyers are now under a cloud of suspicion.