Remember the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012? The maniacs in Congress signed the bill then the tyrant Obama signed it into law while you were distracted, lying in a drunken stupor on January 1, 2012.
The law allows the federal government to “disappear” me or any citizen whenever they choose, snatching them away and sending off to secret undisclosed prisons. No trial. No charges. No disclosure that an American was arrested or is in custody….just gone.
Several journalists challenged the law, and in the hearing in front of federal judge Catherine Forrest, things got really, really scary. The federal government, by refusing to answer the federal judge’s questions, confirmed that the craziest internet theories were correct and that the intent of the act was to be able to snatch away people just like me.
The judge ruled it unconstitutional and granted an injunction barring its enforcement. Should be the end of it……right?
Well, when you’ve got a president…..and an entire Congress….who work in defiance of the people….and the Constitution…