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Foreclosure Defense Florida


“I don’t blame [the administration] for causing the housing crisis,”   “But at two-and-a-half years in office, if they can’t figure out something to do soon that turns us around, I guarantee you they will pay for this at the ballot box.”

(That statement comes from a democrat.)

“For the life of me, I can’t figure out why a community organizer who says he cares about families, who says he cares about communities, has just turned his back on one of the biggest problems in America,” “The way they get defensive when you point out it’s been a failure just underscores to me they don’t have a clue about what to do.”

(That statement too, comes not just from a democrat…but Dennis Cardoza, who co-chairs the Democratic Caucus Housing Stabilization Task Force.)

We fight this battle like it’s a community fight or a state fight. It’s critically important that we all recognize that foreclosure is just one   of the symptoms of the cancer that is the rotting core of our country.   Our economy is trashed, both on the personal level, and on the much larger and systemic national level.   If you’ve got a job, good for you because more and more of your neighbors do not and even if you do have a job, your income is down….and your hopes for the future are dim.   But don’t listen to me, listen to what the democrats say…


Huffington Post