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NYTIMES- The Federal Government, Conspiring To Provide Testimony to A Criminal Banking Organization….


Well not exactly the federal government, but one of its closest co conspirators in the campaign to steal trillions of dollars from every man, woman and child in the United States of America.

Can you imagine, a secret agreement wherein the massive power of the federal government, enters an agreement to testify on behalf of a TARGET of investigations.


Well, as reported in the NYTimes, that’s precisely what occurred….terrifying really that this is the kind of power that can be wielded.   Are the feds (or anyone in government for that matter, going to stand up and testify on behalf of any of the patriots or protesters who dare to challenge or confront all the criminality, the terror, the fraud that is being committed by the government and its co conspirators?

Did the feds step in and lend Aaron Schwartz a helpful voice?

Did Florida’s government officials stand up and support the whistleblowers that provided evidence of banking crimes?

Has any government official provided any support or any testimony or any assitance whatsoever to any of the millions of Americans that are victimized by the banking crime spree that goes on unabated? Right….but just listen what they did for Bank of America:

TWO weeks ago, I wrote a column about a secret agreement struck in July 2012 by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Bank of America. The existence of the confidential deal was disclosed recently in court filings, which showed the New York Fed releasing Bank of America from all fraud claims on mortgage securities the Fed had bought as part of the government’s rescue of the American International Group in 2008.

A.I.G., which is suing Bank of America to recover losses it suffered on those securities, has calculated the value of the fraud claims at $7 billion.

Late on Thursday, a copy of the actual agreement came to light. It was filed by Bank of America in a California court that is hearing the matter of who owns those fraud claims “” A.I.G. or the New York Fed. The agreement was also filed by the New York Fed in a related lawsuit in the Southern District of New York, where the New York Fed asked that the court keep the agreement under seal.