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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Mortgage/Foreclosure Mediation Featuring Weidner in The News- A great story!

The new foreclosure mediation program that has been established by Chief Judge McGrady in Pinellas County can be one of the most effective means for homeowners who want to stay in their homes to do so.

Mediation Managers Inc. is working hard to ensure the program that runs in Pinellas County is fair and helpful to all interested parties.   The news story that ran tonight on Tampa Bay’s NBC News Channel 8 is an example of the press reporting on the real issues that are involved in foreclosures.

The press has largely picked up on the issues homeowners, attorneys and judges are experiencing with lenders and their attorneys and the fact that one of the biggest impediments to solving the foreclosure crisis is the lenders and the attorneys who represent them.

I fully support the mediation program in Pinellas County and strongly encourage all attorneys and advocates to support mediation whether the potential client retains you or not!

Great work to News Channel 8 for great reporting!

See the full video of the story here.