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Foreclosure Defense Florida

More Attorneys Contribute Their Time, Talent and Treasure in The Fight For Foreclosure Fairness

As I write this post, the buses are preparing to leave from all over Florida for their early morning meeting with destiny on the steps of the Capitol.

Because of the large response that we have received to this event we were required us to move to the West Side of the Capitol, just in the shadow of the Florida Supreme Court…frankly that’s even more appropriate because the message we bring is one for both the legislators and our esteemed judges in the State of Florida.

Citizens of this state will forever owe gratitude to the attorneys who selflessly contributed their time, talent and made significant financial contributions to make this happen so quickly.   In so doing, The Ice Law Firm, (West Palm/South Florida),   The Mark Stopa Law Firm, (Tampa/Orlando), Parker and DuFresne (Jacksonville/North Florida) and now Jon Coats from Jon Coats PA (Pinellas Park/St. Petersburg) have earned the respect of their colleagues from across the state for the good work they are doing. lawyers helping hands

The fact that these firms have contributed to this effort shows they’re not just dabbling in this area of the law….these good lawyers have turned foreclosure defense, the protection of their clients and their efforts to restore respect for the judiciary into a outright crusade.

Every client needs to hire an attorney to protect your interests, but the fact of the matter is that these attorneys and others who are involved with this fight have devoted their lives and their careers to protecting clients….regardless of their ability to pay….is a reflection of the highest ethical goals this profession maintains.

To all you out there in foreclosure or in trouble…don’t lose faith in the law or in lawyers….you’ve got lawyers like the ones referred to above to look out for you!

We’ll see you at the Capital in just a few hours.