Ah, the Fourth of July, the day Amerikans all across the world gather to celebrate the dangerous delusion that America remains independent and that we have some form of government that should be admired and envied. That We The People even have any real control.
And yes, as part of this delusion, Amerikans will participate in another delusion, gorging themselves on ” food” that isn’t really food at all, but rather gobs of chemicals fabricated to resemble the things we used to know as food. No, today in Amerika especially, we all gorge ourselves on that uniquely American creation called Frankenfood. There are nations all across this planet (nations not nearly as corrupt as this on) where Frankenfood may not be grown much less sold to any living thing. But not here in Amerika. Monsanto and YUM Foods and all the other pellet producers and soybean sorcerers cook up and imagineer your food your food not unlike Albert Hoffman, the scientist that brought us LSD, Ghost that delivered it or Mickey Mouse in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. I’m sure it’s all perfectly healthy. I’m sure that in the short and the long run all this edible acid is just fine for our bodies. Drink up, magically sweet corn based black champagne. Eat up, pink play dough plastic encased hot diggity dogs”¦it’s a friggin celebration!
Oh yeah, effective 2012, July 4th is also the date Amerikans celebrate another official acknowledgement that we’re all being raped and screwed by the banks and international financiers that take all ” our” money and decide how they will divvy it up amongst themselves. I’m talking of course about the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) scandal, that’s got at least 20 Amerikans concerned enough to write a few blogs about it and offer up a whimper of protest. Wow, what a commentary on this nation”¦.according to the up to the minute current population clock, there are 313,876,064(18:12 UTC (EST+5) Jul 04, 2012) people in this nation, and of those there are only 20 nutjobs that have any clue about what the LIBOR is, much less that the scandal shows clearly how we’re all being violently raped. Again. LIBOR HERE
In simple terms, here’s how it works. A group of international bankers get together and determine how much of your paycheck you’ll turn over each month to GoldmanSachs and the other international banking cartels. You see the payments on everything from mortgages to credit cards, currency swaps and car loans are tied, in some way to the LIBOR. Now too bad that all the Amerikans that signed up on LIBOR credit contracts didn’t stop, scratch their heads and ask, ” Um, what’s a LIBOR?” As the emails reveal, LIBOR means that one British bloke rings up another British bloke and says, ” Finnigan, I was out on a two-day bender and made a bet that your side was going to bend the LIBOR down, and although the indicators say it should go up, will you bend it down? To which Finnigan says, ” Sure, mate down it goes.” Two days later Finnigan, cloudy from a two day bender with a transvestite prostitute rings up his bloke Sir Addison and says, ” I just blew $2 million pounds on a bender, I need the LIBOR to go up.” Finnigan complies, the LIBOR goes up, all is well.
But not for you. Or me. On both sides of the trades, we on this side of the pond get screwed. But Finnigan and Addison can’t do this alone, they’ve got people they answer to and those people, all of them take their instructions from the Bank of England, among others. BofE is similar to our Federal Reserve here on this side of the pond. They own the money, they own the computers and they own casino so they make their own rules.
I know, I hear you , there there. You’re one of those people who are pounding your fist on the table and screaming, ” well they should arrest those doggone criminals and consters.” Silly you, you think they care one lick about what you think or what you’re saying. Don’t you get it”¦the banks and the world financial system is a casino run by the banking cartels, protected by the governments and operated to separate you from the money you’ve earned and the shekels you’ve saved. When you’re banking with them, you’re throwing your money onto their craps table”¦.and when you throw your money on their table they’ll do with it what they want. And what they want is to blow your money on luxury cars, booze, hookers and whatever else they want. And oh, by the way, this ” new” scandal has been circulating around since 2008″¦.but still only 20 people (make that 25 people now) understand what it means.
And while we’re on the whole banking cartel thing, let’s talk about the arranged marriage between the banking cartels and Amerika’s military industrial complex. I love the heartwarming and patriotic story about when the American defense industry first tried to sell arms to Iran, they were a poor country and couldn’t afford them. So the industry allowed their front men Nixon and Kissinger to conspire with the Shah of Iran to drive up the cost of oil sold to Amerikans, more oil sold for inflated prices to the dopey Amerikans means unlimited money to buy the arms that the defense contracts can build and sell. Ain’t demoncracy great? Since this is a July 4 tribute and all, I found an article detailing this in a July 4, 1979 newspaper.
Well, fast forward to July 4, 2012. America’s men and women in uniform are like those shot girls that wander through college bars handing out the HOTTEST, NEWEST THING, you know those shitty tasting drinks like avocado flavored vodka, that some dipshit in a marketing department decided would be the HOTTESTE, NEWEST, BESTEST THING. Now, don’t get me wrong for a minute. Amerika’s men and women in uniform are the very best and most honored people in this god forsaken country. They do their jobs, they serve their country and they deserve our respect. But the reality is they’re the shot boys and girls for Dick ” Darth Vader” Chaney and George ” Bilderberg” Bush, and the men and women in uniform are delivering their version of Demoncracy, which is to say we’re bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of people all across this planet so that Haiburton, Blackwater and all the other defense and oil contractors can capture native natural resources, capture market share and further corrupt already chaotic regions.
The millions of lives lost, the innocent souls that are vaporized, the children and infants whose fat cells, skin and eyes are burned into acrid goo while their organs cook from the outside in are merely annoying speed bumps that get in the way of the progress of world domination. The current version of Amerikan Demoncracy is delivered by the hot end of an M16 or it comes screaming down from above dropped like an edict from some angry God. Sorry villagers, that’s not God who’s angry at you and throwing sulfur bombs that turn your babies into brown and crispy bug splats, that the General Atomics MQ9 Reaper and this isn’t war, it’s Amerikan foreign policy. Now come on and join our team? Won’t you?
Our men and women that are shipped abroad to fight the wars to serve the banks and the Bilderbergs are victims to an exponentially greater degree than their civilian brothers and sisters left stateside, but make no mistake, we’re all just as expendable. Now that hundreds of thousands of them are coming home stateside, we all need to embrace our brothers and sisters, we all need to hear their stories and absorb their horrors. We cannot sit mute while they suffer alone in dark apartments, waiting for the military they served to turn them out, reject their disability claims, cut their psychotropic meds off cold turkey and then wonder what will happen when they’re cut loose. Oh, you didn’t know the pharmaceutical companies dramatically increased their market share selling psychotropic drugs to soldiers while they were active duty in combat zones did you? How bout this:
After two long-running wars with escalating levels of combat stress, more than 110,000 active-duty Army troops last year were taking prescribed antidepressants, narcotics, sedatives, antipsychotics and anti-anxiety drugs, according to figures recently disclosed to the Los Angeles Times by the U.S. Army surgeon general. Nearly eight percent of the active-duty Army is now on sedatives and more than 6 percent is on antidepressants “” an eightfold increase since 2005.
Neat, huh? Or how bout all the other drugs? The methamphetamines like Dexedrine that we’re juicing our boys up with so they can stay all peppy and enthusiastic while they’re out making the donuts”¦making donuts out of human beings, compliments of the military issue 50 caliber rounds they’re issued. Oh, I’m sure they’ll all be fine once we bring the boys and girls back home and get them back working again.
Oh, that’s right the (insert expletive here) we have running this country in Congress and the White House, who actually work for Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs and (insert campaign contributor here) shipped all the jobs these returned injured men and women might have offshore so we don’t have the ability to reward them for their service as we should with jobs that reflect the respect and honor we should give them. When the boys came home from World War II and hell even Korea and Vietnam, these tough sons took their lines and built what is this nation today. Our soldiers today get a Frankenfood hotdog and a job as a greeter at Walmart.
Now listen to this, because it’s the kind of thought that has me on watch lists in agencies and departments and watch centers all across this country…..what if….and I know this is just way, way crazy talk….what if instead of sending hundreds of thousands of our nation’s best, brightest, most dedicated and hard working people to go piss around in a desert. What if, instead of spending trillions of dollars to bomb two countries into oblivion. What if, instead of spending untold trillions of dollars to learn how to airplanes fly by remote control and figuring out how to make ten ton vehicles able to withstand direct blasts from explosives we had instead as a national policy decided we were going to build cars that got 100 mpg or planes powered by hydrogen. Or wait a minute, I know….what if we put these amazing soldiers to work caring for and curing kids with cancer…oh right, that kinda thought is just crazy talk…right? I mean, after all there’s brown people all around this world that are out to get us and we’ve gotta bomb them before they hijack gas tankers and cargo ships and greyhound buses and come attack us. That’s all way to complicated and crazy, so how bout this….
Why not, instead of spending trillions of dollars bombing hospitals and roads and schools and homes in other countries just so we can turn around and rebuild them. And instead of inflicting gruesome medical injuries on our own soldiers and innocent civilians just so we can turn around and provide them the finest medical care in the world….what if we just built brand new stuff without bombing the old stuff and what if we focused just on treating disease, sickness and pain without first causing all of that.
I know, right? Crazy talk.
Oh, and just to make sure I tie it all in together, FannieMae, Freddie Mac, Ginne Mae, Sallie Mae, the Wizards and Witches behind the curtain, pulling the strings, the hangman’s noose. And we ain’t independent. Not by a long shot. We are the most enslaved, imprisoned, persecuted, deceived and tortured people on this planet. Our fascist state, along with the corporate interests it serves, are performing experiments on our bodies that would make Josef “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” Mengele cringe. There is no dispute that we have ZERO idea how Frankenfood will impact mankind or the world’s ecosystems, and yet we all unleash it upon ourselves and our children every single day. There is no dispute that corporations control every aspect of government and thus they control our lives….to their ends.
Enjoy the delusion of independence. Enjoy the illusion of freedom.
Happy 4th of July.