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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Investors Suing Banks Are On The Same Side As Homeowners In Foreclosure

EMC-MortgageIt’s next to impossible to get any information while you’re in foreclosure from the servicer or trustee.     Reasonable discovery requests for basic information are objected to and almost never complied with.   It’s not just homeowners receiving the cold shoulder…the investors are as well….JUST WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?

JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s EMC Mortgage, facing homeowner lawsuits over foreclosures, was sued by the trustee of a mortgage portfolio for refusing to turn over documents detailing the quality of loans bought by the trust.

Wells Fargo & Co., the trustee, is seeking access to files for more than 2,000 underlying mortgages in the Bear Stearns Mortgage Funding Trust 2007-AR2, according to the complaint filed today in Delaware Chancery Court in Wilmington.