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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Ice Legal- One of Our Own Foreclosure Warriors Gets Serious Recognition!

icelegal-weidnerI give a tremendous amount of credit to the press and Daily Business Review for taking the fight for truth in our courtrooms and running with it.   We’re doomed if we cannot depend on our free press….please support those that support the cause by forwarding this link as far and wide as you can.

We all benefit when those that are in this fight get public recognition.   If you believe that this fight exposes serious and even catastrophic risks to our courts and this country, then you will recognize the need to broadcast this message far beyond the narrow confines of our clients and foreclosure courtrooms.

We must all make the general public aware of the great harm this country is facing by the reckless policies of the past and helping our press to understand the issues and tell the stories may be the only hope we have left….!

Daily Business Review Here On Ice
