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How Do You Spell Corruption? SOLYNDRA!……

solyndra-solarThe “OCCUPY!” movement is about people just totally fed up with our entire system of government.   It is corrupt. It is failing. It is benefiting 1% at the expense of everyone else.

Some democrats have tried to capitalize on this movement, and tried to align themselves with it, but the leaderless movement issued a statement making it clear that this was not about one party or the other…they’re both so stinking corrupt that neither should try to take credit or benefit from what is happening.

The latest example comes from the investigation into the collapse of one of the Obama Administration’s crown jewels….Solyndra, a solar company that was going down the tubes before the feds rushed in with my money to save them….oh but only after the corrupt insiders made sure that the predominantly democrat investors got paid first…..

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