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Foreclosure Defense Florida


HotOffThePress-foreclosureJust this morning, I received the opposing counsel’s response to our motion for a rehearing in the Taylor v. Deutsche Bank case out of the 5th District Court of Appeals in Florida….the decision commonly referred to as, “This Horrible Opinion”.

As clearly expressed in our Motion for Rehearing, we believe the 5th District issued a fundamentally flawed opinion and, similar to what was the case with the Riggs opinion, we timely petitioned for a rehearing.   Those of us who are standing up to fight this insane march toward foreclosure and the devastating breakdown in our court systems that has created and perpetuated a fundamentally flawed legal process are in the middle of an epic battle.   So many powerful forces are aligned against those of us who are fighting for the integrity of our courts and there are so many profound and perplexing questions that are provoked in the middle of this crisis, but the biggest one I have is why our circuit court judges and on some level appellate court judges seem predisposed against the interests of normal consumers in favor of the flawed lending and credit systems that provoked this crisis. Those questions will remain, but for now read the response brief.   The mind boggling aspect of the opposing response is the very light treatment given to many of the substantive facts and law argued in our motion.   Their basic argument seems to be that the court was just right and they spend little time addressing the significant issues we raised in our Motion for Rehearing…..dig in and enjoy….

