MERS is a dark and shadowy corporate figure playing out behind the scenes in millions of foreclosures across the country. For an entity that has played and continues to play such a critical role in the devastation of so many American’s lives, very little is known about the company, how it operates and their internal corporate structure.
Take the time to read this deposition and, while you won’t know all you need to know, quite a bit of the corporate structure and organization will be laid out, along with some very important fault lines exposed. For attorneys and advocates out there trying to figure out if you need a MERS deposition, this depo will show you why you do.
When they object, this deposition excerpted for your judge will help the judge to understand why testimony of a MERS agent, along with the purported “vice president” or whomever executes documents purportedly upon the lender’s behalf, is critical to establish whether proper authority ever existed for the purported MERS Assignment of Mortgage.