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The “technical” problems and other issues seen in foreclosure courtrooms across this country are merely symptoms of much larger issues that impact our broader economy and in fact our national security and the economic survival of this country.

For too long, the real people in this world have operated under the apparently false assumptions that the leaders of business and finance were operating the larger economic machine with accuracy and fairness.   Other even more naive folks operated under the assumption that our elected and appointed leaders were exercising some sort of oversight, supervision or regulation of the financial markets and industry.

We should have learned during the 2008 economic collapse that the the entire subprime mortgage industry was an unregulated, unchecked fleecing of the entire country.   We did not learn, instead we bailed out the con artists and criminals and there were no consequences for this fundamental breakdown.   Next, we shoveled more money at the criminals and con artists during the Modification Madness of 2009 and 2010.

The madness continues as courts across this country continue to reward servicers and as national policymakers choose to ignore the evils and wrongdoing that have been occurring since the subprime boom began in 2003.

The only hope we have is that passionate and ethical attorneys will stand up and fight against the tyranny of the big monied interests through class action lawsuits.   It’s time for a popular uprising, for consumers to join together and fight for the principles of justice and the rule of law.

Read this class action and be prepared to join when these lawsuits are rolled out.

GMAC Complaint w Case No. 110410