So there I was in foreclosure court yesterday, prepared to win a trial against Indymac/Onewest as the Plaintiff. Right about the time the Foreclosure Mill attorney was about to put her case on, I see her fighting with her witness.
At first I thought the witness worked for OneWest, then it hit me….
Onewest/IndyMac Sold The Servicing Rights of Most of Their Portfolio!
Which should mean that Indymac was no longer the Plaintiff foreclosing…right? It certainly meant that the witness didn’t work for Indymac. And so I pressed the issue…and sure enough, the witness admitted that Onewest was no longer the party that had the right to foreclose on my client.
And so, while I was back in court again today, I saw the same witness there….and checked the docket. What did I find?
Foreclosure Judgments Entered In The Name of Indymac!
So…If Indymac doesn’t own servicing rights anymore why are they still in court getting judgments in their name? Clearly, they are sliding through judgments, getting sales set, and throwing citizens out into the street based on testimony that is at the very least grossly improper….