The lamestream media is all a flutter with reporting about how new foreclosure filings are up. But no one is talking about a far more important aspect of foreclosures…..
Well, not the federal government exactly, but shadowy and shifty quasi-government agencies, Fannie and Freddie those weird quasi private entities and then foreign and hidden trusts and trustees like Deutsche Bank and US Bank, Trustee.
No one seems to get this or care about it at all. Here in Florida, all the current rage is to set as many of the 377,000 foreclosure cases currently pending in Florida courts for summary judgment or trial as quickly as possible. It’s like this collective hysteria has taken over where the entire state judicial system could care less about larger issues like who is actually taking title to the physical property upon which this nation was built.
Why won’t people, especially people in positions of power and public policy authority, look into the far more important issues like who is taking title to these properties….and that’s a a real dereliction of duty…
From Prison Planet:
Despite the fact that the banking elite wants to generate riots and stir social disorder in order to collapse the U.S. economy so they can buy up real assets on the cheap, if such chaos was to spill over into a full blown civil war, the consequences for the technocrats would be disastrous.
In part one we explored why the elite routinely generate civil unrest in countries as a tactic of driving down confidence, scaring away investors and setting themselves up as the saviors in order to loot what’s left of the economy for next to nothing.
We also documented how authorities in America are clearly in a preparatory phase for mass civil unrest to break out within the next 5-10 years.