Put this headline under the title of a very real bombshell and seminal event in the fight for consumer rights. A major news paper has called out…in a very major way…a judge who developed a reputation for heaping abuse upon homeowners that appeared in a foreclosure courtroom
Here is the full quote:
At some point in her current six-year term, incumbent Palm Beach County Circuit Court Judge Diana Lewis’ reputation for rudeness stopped being a forgivable quirk and became an embarrassment for the judiciary. While recognizing that Lewis has considerable legal skills, the Sun Sentinel recommends that voters choose challenger Jessica Ticktin in the Aug. 26 election for the Group 14 seat.
The reality is the vast majority of judges who serve the interests of The People do so with a tremendous amount of grace and respect for both The Law and The People. Our courts and our judges suffer under unbelievable pressures, but every single day they do their jobs and most often provide very real service and justice for consumers.
Here on the West Coast of Florida in particular, the community of consumer defense attorneys will, with near uniformity, assert that we’ve got very good judges who work very hard under trying circumstances….we just do not experience nearly the kind of pressures and attacks that we hear from other areas. A consumer may lose a case, a good consumer defense attorney may come away beaten up…but by and large, and with very few exceptions, the experience will not result in a diminished of respect for the honor and integrity of the court system.
Every experience before a judge is an opportunity to nurture the respect that our courts deserve…whether the case is foreclosure or a multi-million dollar tobacco case!