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Foreclosure Defense FloridaGeneral Information

FORECLOSURE HORROR- SEE IT ALL IN PICTURES……A nation turning against itself to torture and abuse the least and the lost who walk among us.

foreclosure-photosThey say a picture is worth a thousand words.   Well, maybe pictures will succeed where millions of words have failed.   Foreclosure defense attorneys and human beings who are suffering have poured their words out in pleadings filed with the courts all across this country, but the courts have ignored their words.   A defendant’s words are ignored and they are thrown into the street.   Families and children and senior citizens thrown into the street while the very same homes they’re thrown out of sit vacant, abandoned, abused, vandalized, made dangerous.

The banks have likewise poured their words out as well.

Fraudulent words, forged words, untrue words.   Printed and signed and sworn to and notarized under PENALTIES OF PERJURY on Assignments and Affidavits and legal pleadings and sworn statements filed in courtrooms all across this country. But their evil words, their lies, their desecrations of a once just legal system are accepted and consecrated by this legal system that has turned its back on the people it was created to protect.

Which of course begs the question,

“Are there in fact any PENALTIES OF PERJURY in this lawless nation any longer?”

Not from where I sit.   Jamie Dimon still flies high and free and proud. Blankfeld too. And John Corzine, they all sit high and mighty and live quite well, thank you very much.

But there are in fact profound and devastating consequences for all their lies and their conduct down here at the ground level, on the front lines of this war.   I see it in the faces of my clients and in the faces and the eyes of all those hapless and hopeless people who sit in courtroom benches waiting for what passes as “justice” in this evil age.

I stared back at these faces the other morning as one of Florida’s Foreclosure Rocket Dockets initiated and was ready to take off again the other morning.   Hundreds of families thrown out into the street, the judge sitting in his black robe while a foreclosure mill worked in perfect synchrony to throw these families, these human pieces of detritus into the judicial wood chipper.

Bank Lawyer: Foreclosure

Judge: 120 Sale Date

Homeowner: Um, Ok Judge if you say so.

No evidence. No review. No consideration of forged assignments or forged notes or no evidence or anything for that matter. Not a single thought that maybe, just maybe our nation’s legal system had some scintilla of an obligation to police, some duty to protect this unwashed sea of humanity from the tyranny that is wrought upon this land.   Just human beings thrown to the wolves, thrown out into the streets. Every unchecked judgment a victory for the banks, every judgment a human carcass thrown onto the inferno of injustice that rages across this nation.

My heart sunk when I watched the Florida Supreme Court’s Pino v. Bank of NY arguments.   I know these justices have not seen what we see every day.   Oh how I wish they would strip away the robes, those glorious robes and wear the uniform of today’s American.   What an experience it would be for one justice, two justice, three justice, four to travel the state anonymously playing the role of one of those they swore an oath to protect and defend.   Oh what an experiment in real liberty and justice if they came dressed in dirty denim to see how the court system they control now functions.   What would they think as Sheriffs barred their entry into supposedly open courtrooms?   Would they perceive courtrooms are fair and equitable when the banks are camped out, set up, comfortable and organized, streamlined, their papers pre-prepared, handed to the judge while they take the judge’s stamp and KERCHUNK, KERCHUNK, KERCHUNK, stamp out orders.   What would they think of foreclosure “trials” where no evidence is presented at all, only papers, prepared by the banks, then blessed by the judge.   Kiss the ring.   How can “our” justices judge if they have not had this experience?   How can the perception and perspective be balanced if their connection to our state’s legal system is predominated by thousand dollar fundraisers sponsored by the nation’s banking elite?

It cannot.

But again, these words fail.

Perhaps these pictures might capture the story better. (here)