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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Foreclosure Fraud Victims- The Washington Post Wants To Hear from YOU!

stephan-cottrel-foreclosureThe Washington Post has posted a notice on its website looking for examples of affidavits signed by Robo Signers Jeffrey Stephan and Beth Ann Cottrell.   Please click here for a link to the Washington Post and share with the Washington Post your affidavits and horror stories.

What the reporters probably do not yet understand is that these two are just the tip of the iceberg.   When they keep digging, they’re going to realize just how deep this rabbit hole goes…we are literally standing on the brink of a major catastrophe.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that at the end of the day a title insurance policy must be written on these properties that were hastily moved through foreclosure.   The exposure the title insurors are now facing based on allegations of sloppy or improper foreclosures is astronomical….it is simply far to big to comprehend.

When the title insurors announce that they will no longer underwrite over all the sloppy and improper foreclosures, the entire foreclosure process and our entire system of real property ownership is compromised.   We started into the brink of economic Armageddon before, I question whether we have the resources or the tools to come out again.

To all the judges, legislators, lenders, agents and other parties that advocated this mad rush towards foreclosure, you are complicit in this coming collapse.