Foreclosure Fraud Fighters…we’ve got friends in Tallahassee and while we’ve been fighting it out in the street…they’ve been working away hard for us in Tallahassee. Unfortunately, before all you Passionate Pro Se Patriots and Lawyers Fighting for Homeowner Rights started sharing your stories we didn’t know who our friends were….or what they’re doing.
Senator Aronberg is running for Attorney General of Florida and Representative Soto was named one of the most effective legislators in the Florida House. They (along with other members of both houses) have been fighting against the same Wall Street abuses we see every day.
See their attached press release and note the date…these guys are not late comers to this fight…They introduced a bill called
The Homeowner’s Bill of Rights…and it actually was a correct and honest title…it provided rights to homeowners!
02-09-10 Foreclosure Help Bill Release – FINAL
Anyway we let them down because we didn’t know they were fighting for us….but that’s going to change. They are going to meet with us in Tallahassee on April 21, 2010 and we’re all going to commit to support them and their efforts going forward. We’re going to work their campaigns and we’re going support their efforts for Homeowner’s Rights!
If there are enough of us there in Tallahassee….and this is a wildly optimistic dream….we might just get some pro-consumer legislation passed…
Stranger things have happened….this is America after all!
(Actually Florida has always been (legislatively at least) a more progressive America!)