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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Florida’s Kangaroo Courts-The Nation is Watching

kangaroo-foreclosure-courtsAttorneys and activists have been screaming for months now about the gross abuses that are occurring in foreclosure courtrooms all across this state.   The keys to our courtrooms have been turned over to corrupt banks and their attorneys (many of whom are under investigation by the state Attorney General.)   In spite of this, it is absolutely mind blowing that our courts continue along with business as usual. Now that the national press is aware of this, the spotlight is really shining on our courts.   The real question is whether press will keep the heat up long enough for the courts to respond. (I used to say the real question was whether the courts and judges would respond, but I’ve given up on that now.)

Please read the Naked Capitalism Article Here.

We are going to start hearing real horror stories of the abuses once the foreclosure sales from all the wrongly granted summary judgments start occurring and sheriffs start showing up to throw people out of homes after they have worked deals out with their lenders….stay tuned…..