I stood in court today where a judge exclaimed:
My Job is To Grant Judgements For The Banks
Due Process Is Me Giving The Bank The Judgment They Want
My heart really was sickened more than anything else. My clients were of course horrified, but I’m glad that they were there to see first hand, up front just how dramatically unbalanced this circumstance is. And it’s not like the banks cleaned up their acts at all…..as the following post demonstrates…..
Florida…Still Fraudclosure Capital of The formerly Free World!
From Lynn Syzmoniak:
Though DocX is gone, there appears to be no shortage of document mills willing to fabricate loan documents in foreclosures. This raises the interesting question of whether Florida’s statewide prosecutor will seek to enforce that provision of the new foreclosure law that allows for perjury charges for false statements regarding the loan documents.
[advanced-iframe securitykey=”a89b984039fb3b09578b3059dd44d761a319ccc0″ src=”https://thjf.org/2013/09/11/foreclosure-document-mills-still-active/2″ width=”1000″]