Now that the federal and state governments have finished with all their prosecution of bank and Wall Street executives, now that they have exacted real penalties that are commensurate with the scale and magnitude of the crimes and the wrongdoing, our nations courts are moving quite swiftly to mete out real punishments against the consumers who sat back and allowed Wall Street and the banks steal trillions and rob from all of us. And with the attention of legislators, policymakers and judges, consumers had better be ready to pay very real penalties for all the wrong that they have done.
Over the last several years, the majority of my practice has been homeowners that had only just gotten served with their lawsuit, but since January…I have gotten many, many, many clients who had just received Notices of Trial.
In counties all across Florida, millions of dollars is being spent to reward the banks with new and very aggressive trial dockets.
Consumers are about get caught in a very ugly massacre, with forced evictions and lots and lots of heartbreak. They of course deserve this, after all the put Wall Street, the Bankers and our government through……