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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Florida Bankers to The Florida Supreme Court, "Scrutiny of the validity of an assignment of mortgage may be inappropriate under any circumstances."

Huh?   Come again?   All of this comes from an Amicus Brief submitted to the Florida Supreme Court in the Pino case…

“Moreover, scrutiny of the validity of an assignment of mortgage may be inappropriate under any circumstances.”

Apparently the argument is, when faced with questions of widespread fraud, forgery, document irregularities, perjury, lying to the court, a court, even the highest court in the land should not be able to inquire. Honest, here’s what they said:

“Moreover, scrutiny of the validity of an assignment of mortgage may be inappropriate under any circumstances.”

And apparently, it’s not just Florida courts that are willing to just turn their backs and run screaming away from the world’s longest running crime spree….as a matter of fact it,

“is a growing trend in other jurisdictions.”

Well hell, we cannot let any other jurisdiction get ahead of the curve with moonwalking away from the crime scenes……

These decisions reflect national, judicial recognition of the need to prevent the foreclosure process from being derailed by claims and defenses based upon technical matters, such as flaws in the execution of secondary documents.

Yeah, our nation’s legal system and in fact this entire country cannot survive allowing courts to inquire into fraud and forgery and other crimes and violations, we must let this crime spree continue.

I’m sure that’s the best way.