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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Florida Attorney General Will Send Claim Forms For Mortgage Settlement…..

Forgive me if you find me less than a little bit excited….Floridians that lost their homes will get a few dollars thrown their way….

Attorney General Bondi Announces that Qualified Borrowers Who Lost Homes to Foreclosure May Be Eligible for Payment

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.”ā€¯Attorney General Pam Bondi announced today that claim forms are going out to approximately 167,398 Florida borrowers who lost their home to foreclosure between Jan. 1, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2011 and who may be eligible for payment under the $25 billion national mortgage foreclosure settlement.
Eligible borrowers had mortgages serviced by Ally/GMAC, Bank of America, Citi, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, the nation’s five largest mortgage servicers that agreed to the settlement with the federal government and attorneys general for 49 states and the District of Columbia.
The settlement, which took effect in April, earmarked approximately $1.5 billion in payments for 2 million borrowers nationwide who lost their homes to foreclosure during that period and had their loan serviced by one of the settling servicers. The exact payment will depend upon the total number of borrowers who decide to participate.
Forms mailed to qualified borrowers, must be returned by January 18
Last week, the national settlement administrator mailed notification postcards to the eligible borrowers nationwide. These postcards will be followed by claim forms being mailed in the coming weeks. In Florida, packets containing a letter from the Attorney General, claim form, instructions and answers to frequently asked questions are being mailed to eligible borrowers now through Oct. 12.
Borrowers should complete their claim forms and return them as soon as possible in the envelope provided, or file them online at The deadline for all claims is January 18, 2013. Payment checks are expected to be mailed in mid-2013.