Several allegations contained within the many lawsuits that are or have been pending against Business Law Group. Read on here and then see the full complaint below:
37. Business Law Group failed to contact the prior debt collector to determine
whether it had received any funds from Ms. Girardi when it prepared the First
Demand Letter.
38. Business Law Group failed to contact Mystic Pointe to determine whether it
had received any funds from Ms. Girardi when it prepared the First Demand Letter.
39. Business Law Group, if it had followed reasonably prudent business
practices when it prepared its First Demand Letter, would have discovered that Ms.
Girardi paid more than $12,000 to Mystic Pointe over the last several years.
40. Business Law Group, if it had followed reasonably prudent business
practices when it prepared its First Demand Letter, would have discovered that Ms.
Girardi had tried to resolve her past due balance for many years, but could not
because Mystic Pointe refused or was unwilling to apply her payments to her
account as required by Florida law.
41. Business Law Group, by overstating the amount of assessments owed to
Mystic Pointe in its First Demand Letter, violated 15 U.S.C. § 1692e(2)(A) by
misrepresenting the character or amount of the debt.
42. Business Law Group, by overstating the amount of finance charges owed to
Mystic Pointe in its First Demand Letter, violated 15 U.S.C. § 1692e(2)(A) by
misrepresenting the character or amount of the debt.